
Monday, September 30, 2013

Cursed Island Gaiole

Gaiole – two small rocky island off Cape Passilipo in the Bay of Naples off the coast of Italy. On one of the islands built a small villa, the other – uninhabited. The islands are connected to the unusual stone bridge. GAIOLE look very picturesque and serene, but with them, is quite grim story, and local residents believe that the curse of the Gaiole gravitates. In the early twentieth century, the villa was a master Hans Braun, who was found murdered here and wrapped in a carpet. Soon after, his wife had drowned in the sea. Villa acquired pharmacist Maurice Sandoz, which after a while committed suicide in Switzerland. The next owners of the island went bankrupt immediately after the purchase of the villa. Some time Gaiole belonged to the owner of Fiat, Gianni Agnelli, but after the suicide of his son’s death from cancer and favorite nephew, he sold the island. Since then, the villa is abandoned. Curious with the curse of the island attracts tourists who admire the amazing bridge slung between the islands. It seems that the thin arch stone bridge that literally hangs in the air.

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