
Saturday, October 19, 2013

What a pickle! Lorry overturns and spills hundreds of thousands of onions onto road

DRIVERS were left in a pickle after a lorry overturned and spilled hundreds of thousands of pickled onions on the road.

The road and neighbouring verge were left covered in silver skinned pickled onions after the lorry driver lost control.

The huge articluated trailer turned on it side at a roundabout on the A614 near Drax, Yorkshire, yesterday afternoon.
Luckily nobody was injured in the eye-watering incident.
Sean Stewart, 50, from Goole, Yorks, captured the scene on camera when he came across the accident.
Sean said: "I've never seen so many pickles in my whole life, I just couldn't believe my eyes.
"It's lucky the pickles rolled away from the road otherwise there could have been a serious accident."

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