
Monday, November 11, 2013

Teleportation Angel Saves Man from Certain Death - Video - Photo

A Carrefour, Somewhere in China

This all happened somewhere in China, and got captured on CCTV.

A Teleportation Angel Saved Man from Certain Death

It’s an amazing proof of an angel saving a man from certain death who was almost about to be run over by a truck.

The Approaching Truck

Watch the truck as it approaches the junction. Watch the man coming in from left on the rickshaw.

About to Bang

The still image from CCTV footage shows the truck and the man are about to collide. Death is nearly certain!

The Angel Arrives

Just as the truck is about to hit the man, the angel (that’s what they call it) arrives out of nowhere!

What Happened Here?

Did the truck run over the man? No. Just watch the light that appears on the top right side of the photo!

Angel Saved the Man

The angel teleported the rickshaw puller towards a corner. CCTV footage clearly shows the angel teleported the man towards the corner of the junction.

Truck Driver Reacts

The truck driver gets down to see if he crushed the man under his truck, but finds nothing.

Angel Saves, and Leaves.

The angel saves the man and leaves the scene. Truck driver, on the other hand, seems highly confused.

Rickshaw Man Seems in Shock

The man pulling rickshaw seems to be in a state of shock and can’t believe he is alive. He takes some rest and gets back into senses. Here’s the video! Watch it to believe it.

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