
Friday, November 1, 2013

Why Does This Man Have a Nose on His Forehead ?

A 22-year-old man in China who suffered a bad accident that resulted in a disfigured nose.

The patient lost part of his nose in an accident in 2012 and did not immediately have any reconstruction surgery because he couldn’t afford it. An infection later ate away much of his nose cartilage, he said.

Surgeon Guo Zhihui at a hospital in Fujian Province spent nine months cultivating the graft for a 22-year-old man, surnamed Lian, whose nose was damaged. Cartilage taken from his ribs, skin from his forehead and a tissue expander were used to develop the nose.

Guo plans to cut the nose from the forehead while leaving a section of skin still connected, and then rotate and graft it into position in a later operation.

Xiaolian will start a normal life once a successful surgery is done. God bless !!!

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