
Monday, November 4, 2013

YIKES! Coca Cola Liquid Soda Dissolves an Eggshell-Imagine How It Affects Your Teeth!

Tooth decay happens when bacteria in your mouth consume the sugars we eat. Now, add cola soda, both regular and diet, which contains different types of acid and sugars, and you have yourself a mixture that can break down tooth enamel and affect other organs in your body. If you think about it, every time you take a sip of a cola you get around twenty seconds or so of an acid attack on your teeth…yikes.

In the video, a boiled egg is placed in a cup and over it cola soda is poured, enough to cover it. A year goes by and the eggshell is completely dissolved. Teeth, bones, and eggshells both contain calcium carbonate and the same proteins. Now, no one will probably hold cola in their mouth for a year, but the point is to look at how the acids in the cola affected the eggshell; the more your teeth and organs are exposed to cola you can imagine the effect it has on them with time.

In a perfect world everyone’s choice of beverage would be simply, H2O, good ole water, but since that is not the case there are some things you can do to help your teeth not be as affected by the acids in a cola. Keep your mouth moist; no one likes a dry mouth. Saliva contains components that help maintain and repair enamel. After drinking a soda, go ahead and swish some water in your mouth and chew on a piece of sugar-free gum; chewing gum fuels saliva production. Now, go ahead and watch as a Coca Cola liquid soda dissolves an eggshell.

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