
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Friends Take Same Photo Every Five Years Since 1982

For the last thirty years, John Wardlaw, John Dickson, Mark Rumer, Dallas Burney and John Molony (from left to right in photos below) have been reuniting at Copco Lake in California to recreate the original photograph taken in 1982. Back then they were high-school friends hanging out at Wardlaw’s family cabin.
What you can’t see clearly from the picture is the contents of the original jar, and unnamed sixth member of the group… a cockroach they found and decided to keep as a pet.
The picture have been spreading like wildfire in the past day, going viral on CNN and then Reddit. For a more in-depth story about the friends and their commitment to recreating this photo every five years, check out the article on the five friends’ dedicated website: www.fiveyearphotos.com (scroll to the bottom) or read the rest of the story on CNN.








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